Along with technologies aimed at strengthening and expanding business, at the same time, unfair competition methods are developing, the aim of which is to eliminate unwanted competitors from the market. If the use of methods of religious extremism in the US is not something new and has not surprised anyone for a long time, for the countries of Western and Eastern Europe this phenomenon is currently poorly understood. As a result, in most cases, business and its first persons are actually defenseless at the time of the attack by religious extremists. At the same time, we are not talking about military clashes or countering terrorist organizations like IGIL. It is about certain methods used to destroy the business reputation of disliked individuals and organizations.

For example, during the last presidential elections in the United States, an active campaign was conducted to shape public opinion that Hillary Clinton is a cult member and has a relation to a dangerous cult. Despite the absurdity of such statements, this kind of public opinion remains as an effective weapons of information war. It does not matter at all whether you have any relation to religious organizations. The target may be any business or public organization, starting from MLM-companies to representatives of the pharmacological businesses, schools of psychology and law companies. Religious extremists exploit the fear. Their methods do not immediately allow the perpetrators to be prosecuted. Definitely, this approach considerably complicates the ways of counteracting this phenomenon.

Given the relevance of this issue, experts from the APSI Academy have developed a technology that allows not only to neutralize such threats anywhere in the world, but also turns the fight against religious extremists into a profitable line of business. Simultaneous work at the academic and expert levels, interaction with the profile media, and work at the level of secret assignments provide technological advantage and management of public opinion in the interests of business.

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