«Applied Science» January 20-21, 2018

What commonality unities all those losers in the market? Each of them lacked a certain knowledge and skill. What unites those who not only succeeded in business, but retain and strengthen their positions? Specific knowledge, methodologies and technologies. There are always things «for everyone» and things «not for everyone». Certainly, repetition of what the majority does will make you part of the majority.

On January 20 and 21, the Academy of the Professional Services Industry organized the seminar “Applied Science», which introduced the foundational structure of a special science thatЧитать далее

„Angewandte Wissenschaft“, 20.-21. Januar 2018

Was vereint alle Pechvögel auf dem Markt? Sie alle wussten etwas nicht und konnten etwas nicht tun. Was vereinigt diejenigen, die nicht nur erfolgreich im Business waren, sondern ihre Positionen behalten und stärken konnten? Es sind spezielle Wissen, Methoden und Technologien. Es gibt immer Sachen „für alle“ und Sachen „nicht für alle“. Wenn Sie wiederholen, was die Mehrheit tut, werden Sie so leben, wie diese Mehrheit lebt.

Am 20. und 21. Januar organisierte „Akademie der profesЧитать далее

Scientific seminar «Stereotype as a destruction factor in life» November 16-18, 2017

Why am I not as rich as Mark Zuckerberg? What is better about him? And what prevents me from becoming the way he is? Well, fine, not Zuckerberg, but I could probably earn a couple of million euros? But why I do not have them now, and will I ever have them? Visually, people differ little from each other, but each human being is different in the basis of what decisions he makes. Everyone has a mandatory set of limits and restrictions that do not allow to obtain legally what one desires. On November 16-18, 2017 in OdessaЧитать далее